Sunday, May 30, 2010

Dan Tharp

BIO: Dan Tharp

Hi! I'm Dan Tharp, a solo acoustic guitar player who plays classical and steel string guitar....but only in my spare time. I don't make a living as a musician. I'm actually the IT Director at Pekin Hospital.

I've been playing guitar off and on since I was 13/14 but never could bring myself to perform or record because of "stage fright" and that stupid/crazy voice in my head that keeps telling me I'm not good enough to make a living at it.

So, I pay the bills the old fashioned way (with a real job) and play just for fun. Well I'm in my 40's now and I've been thinking maybe it's time to get over that and start recording and maybe(?) performing again. I just purchased a BOSS BR-600 Digital Recorder to record my pieces with. As I get the time, I'll start uploading them to this site. By the way, the BR-600 is an AWESOME device. I recommend it highly!

I hope you enjoy the music.
If you do, please pass this site along to your friends!
I'd really like as many people as possible to hear it.
I appreciate any feedback anyone has to offer...good or bad.

Take care!


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