Monday, November 14, 2011

Kristen Faulconer

About: Kristen Faulconer

Hello my name is Kristen and I am a singer songwriter from Colorado. My music is about empowering and uplifting people. I am an abuse survivor, and I wrote many of my songs about the abuse I endured and also my struggles with being adopted while trying to maintain a mainstream appeal. Now that I am rehabilitated my mission is to use my music to inspire and help people in the same situation and all people through their struggles in life. My focus is to write music that has a message. I am a survivor and throughout the toughest times in my life all I had was my music, it spoke to me. Now I am creating music to do the same, it is an outlet for expression. I write with passion, from experience and from my heart. My hope is to reach out to my listeners and inspire them to make healthy decisions in their life and to choose to be in healthy relationships. My music is an emotional release of how I feel and I can be brutally honest. Too often we are unable to speak our truth and so I try to create an outlet that we can all relate to, my hope is to unite my listeners by creating something that is universal. Please also visit my Open Group on Facebook "Revolution Against Abuse" or RAA where you can learn about abuse, ask questions, find answers educate yourself on what it looks like, what it feels like, what you can do if your are victim to abuse and how you can help others and stand with me in my campaign against abuse:

Revolution Against Abuse - Facebook Group

Thank You and Enjoy : ) XoXo Kristen

Kristen Faulconer – Official Website
Kristen Faulconer - Reverbnation
Kristen Faulconer - Soundcloud
Kristen Faulconer - MySpace
Kristen Faulconer – Last FM
Kristen Faulconer - Facebook
Kristen Faulconer - Twitter
Kristen Faulconer - Blog
Kristen Faulconer – World United Music
Kristen Faulconer - YouTube
Buy Music!
Kristen Faulconer - iTunes
Kristen Faulconer - Rhapsody
Kristen Faulconer - Amazon
Kristen Faulconer - eMusic!/browse/album/all/artist:12850689/?sort=az


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