Saturday, October 16, 2010

Mel Plant

About: Mel Plant

Born a long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away (Barnsley, Sth Yorkshire, England)..I first picked up the guitar at about age 10, but my dad smashed it over my older brothers head, so I guess age 11 before I got my first real one. I've been at it ever since. I've looked for a cure but I'm cursed and I'm afraid I just can't put the thing down. I love all types of music but acoustic is where my heart lies . Ive had more jobs than I care to remember between performing, my wife says I've got more uniforms than a fancy dress shop. Music has always been my passion and I've spend many a year on stage in different formats and I've loved every minute. These days I tend to write and record my own songs on a simple set up at home. Dreams of stardom went a long time ago for me, but I wouldn't turn my nose up at a little sniff of success even now, just for the money you understand HaHa. I'm fairly content with my lot in life just at the moment and hope you enjoy listening to my music here…Mel


“When you sit down and listen to Mel play, the first thing to strike you is his wonderful melodic music, but it is the lyrics within his songs that grab your attention soon after, and then your really hooked. Mel Plant is a true minstrel in every way and one of YouTube’s best storytellers!” ~ Stewart Brennan – World United Music

Mel Plant – YouTube (Official Website)
Mel Plant – Cover Songs
CD Baby

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