Sunday, May 27, 2012

Frank Chiafari

BIO: Frank Chiafari

I am a singer/songwriter that makes his home in Connecticut. I have loved music all my life. It is and has always been the source of great pleasure.I have always viewed music as a passion and not just a hobby. When I write and record a song Im hoping that I am connecting to the listener on some level. If someone is moved by one of my songs then I feel as though I have succeeded.. The biggest influences musically for me have been The Beatles, Simon and Garfunkel and Sting.

Although I write and record my own songs, I still love to do some covers.

Thanks for coming by. Hope you enjoy.

Peace and love to you all. ~ Frank

Frank Chiafari – Official Website
Frank Chiafari - MySpace
Frank Chiafari - Reverbnation
Frank Chiafari - Facebook
Frank Chiafari - Twitter!/FrankChiafari
Frank Chiafari – Musicians Together
Frank Chiafari - YouTube
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