Monday, August 30, 2010

Mark Maysey

About: Mark Maysey

YouTube is a place I've chosen to share my little stories through the songs I write. Many of the songs you'll find here are merely fictional, however most of them have a good message or two that may be useful in daily perceptions of life.

Many of the songs I share though truly do portray a pretty accurate landscape of my life. You'll find songs from my early days growing up in southern, California to the years when we spent summers picking strawberries in northern Michigan - our first year in Michigan was brutal, in the winter of 69 living out of a trailer on the side of streets and alleyways in the heart of Detroit. We were looking for a place to park our 38 foot Kencraft trailer that would be our home for the next 5 years in a little town called Holly, that was about 20 miles south of Flint.

My songs will take you to the days I was serving in the United States Air Force, to my days working at the Edwards AFB Flight Test Center.

My early years spent working as an aircraft mechanic swiftly took me up the ladder in management and provided a pretty decent living for my family.

I met my wife Kanchana "Noy" one sunny afternoon in 1982 while she was working as a cook at the terminal snack bar that was walking distance from the flightline where I was turning wrenches on C-141 Starlifter Aircrafts. Our eyes met, we shared some small talk, went on a few dates after that and now here we are still together after 28 years, and you know what? we're still having a real good time, laughing and sharing our every waking moment with our friends, family and animals...Fluffy the cat, Bowie the big white dog, Spike the little bad ass min-pin and all our wonderful friends outside.

So here we are, fortunate to be living the humble life that we are and now I have a place to share my little stories again. I'm still writing songs and have become even more inspired after meeting some very good people on youtube. If you've come to visit and are seeking a friendly place to visit where good things can be shared, then please subscribe and invite me to your channel, I love sharing good words whenever I can. Thank you for visiting our little place and we look forward to having you come back. Much peace and love,...Mark and Noy

My Five Simple Maxims for Living:

1. Try to free your heart from hatred.
2. Try to free yourself from worries.
3. Live simply.
4. Give more.
5. Expect less.

"After all this is done, all that really matters Is how well we've treated each other"

"never laugh at another persons dreams, for it may very well be the only hope they have left"

Wishing everyone much peace and happiness.

Mark and Noy

Music & Videos!
Mark Maysey – YouTube (Official Website)
Mark Maysey – Facebook
Buy Music!
Mark Maysey – CD Baby
Mark Maysey – iTunes
Mark Maysey – Amazon
Mark Maysey – Rhapsody
Mark Maysey – eMusic


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