Monday, March 24, 2014

The Bad Jones

About: The Bad Jones

The Bad Jones are a rock band from the Bay Area known formerly as Soul Pie. Upon changing their name, the band has reemerged with a new attitude and sound in efforts to focus their strengths as songwriters and more importantly to shed a fresh and reverent light on what they see as the currently dormant state of Rock and Roll. Lead by singer Jesse Ray (pictured center right) and guitarist Tommy Odetto (pictured center left), this longtime songwriting duo have combined forces with hometown friends John Varn (keys, pictured far right) and Tim Baker (bass, pictured far left). Together they aim to help set the stage for the coming resurgence of Rock.

The Bad Jones – Official Website
The Bad Jones - Facebook
The Bad Jones - Twitter
The Bad Jones - Youtube
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The Bad Jones - Bandcamp


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