Friday, June 28, 2013

Celestial Bums

About: Celestial Bums

Rock could hardly be just music. It is a range of creative disciplines and outlets. It's music, of course but it's also interpreting, role playing, and thus theater and poetry too. Rock is the perfect medium to intertwine the two true sources of art: The dionisian and the apollinean. What is inebriating, and what is dream-like. When rock is played and interpreted, when musicians don't play or sing, but recite, rock is more than music, it is the ultimate form of art.

Rock is our legacy as Europeans, our outlet to give an escape valve to the most primary of our creative urges. Rock twists you with pain and passions. A relatively new ritual, but that reflects the basic elements of the Greek tragedy.

And it is art that is the ultimate objective of our existence, here and now, the noblest way to express what's on our souls. Sacred ritual and self-realization.

Celestial Bums – Official Website
Celestial Bums - Facebook
Celestial Bums – Last FM
Celestial Bums - Youtube
Celestial Bums - Bandcamp

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