
Saturday, November 6, 2021

The Activist Poet - Volume 2

Are you trying to make sense of today’s insane world? Here is a book that will answer your questions.

World United Music creator Stewart F. Brennan offers another masterpiece that combines his memoirs, lyrical poetry and political commentary to connect the dots and expose the deceptions and illusions of our time while shining a light in dark places.

The Activist Poet Volume 2 is more than a book of lyrical poetry, it is a unique book of truth and opinion with social and economic commentary on topics that have been, for the most part, purposefully omitted by mainstream media and government, or censored by social network platforms, and Internet search engines.

The purpose of this book is to help people see and understand the major deceptions over the past sixty years that brought us to this moment in time. The book is unique and filled with information on many topics that provide the reader with a glimpse and understanding of the larger picture from a different perspective. It is meant to open eyes and awaken minds, but it is also for those already awake and working to make this world a better place.”

For those that want a good look at the bigger picture, this book is definitely for you. Also makes a great gift of knowledge for anyone (friends or family) that wants to know what’s going on in the world. A clear and direct approach on many important topics, made clear and easy to understand.

Book now available in all countries via your country’s Amazon shop:

Here are a few links:

The Activist Poet Volume II now available on Amazon Canada

The Activist Poet Volume II now available on Amazon USA

The Activist Poet Volume II now available on Amazon UK

Below is a video glimpse of the many topics that are discussed

Also, available for a limited time is, The Activist Poet – Volume 1 a book filled with information to open eyes and minds.

Makes a great gift of truth to someone you care about.

Saturday, May 22, 2021

The Activist Poet - (Volume 1)


Montreal poet, analyst, writer, and World United Music creator, Stewart F. Brennan; combines his memoirs, poetry, and political commentary in this masterpiece weaving together the experiences, impressions and observations made during the economic decline of North America between 1970 and 2021. - Book now on sale at Amazon 

Link to book in Canada

About the Author:

Born in Montreal, Quebec, Canada in 1960, Stewart Brennan is a Canadian poet, writer, blogger, geo-political and economic analyst, lean manufacturing specialist, critical thinker, social and political activist, video producer, photographer, and music promotor.

Stewart has worked in the Aerospace, Aviation, Packaging, Transportation and Logistics Industries in managerial positions and is the author of several blogs including World United News, World United Music, Alternative Views and SF Brennan Art, a blog of creative writing, poetry and prose.

He’s had several poems published in the “Red Hibiscus: Anthology” series Volumes 17, 18, 19 & 20 as well as in “Late Night Poets Virtuosos” & “Late Night Poets Anthology Volume 1 & 2”

Stewart has been writing and archiving information on World United News since 2007 and is known for his economic analysis and critical thinking on geo-political and geo-economic events. He’s also been published on Global Research, the center for research on globalization.

Stewart Brennan is also the creator, producer and promotor of World United Music, a project that started in 2010 promoting signed, unsigned and independent musicians and bands.

“I don’t like what the deep state has to offer so I decided to build my own World where creativity, music, and truth prevail. Therefore, I’m a photographer, Writer, Video Producer, News Reporter, Music Promoter, Radio DJ, Poet, Activist, Critical Thinker, and Problem Solver. This is my world…”

World United News Blog

World United Music Blog

World United Awakening Blog

Alternative Views Blog

World United Music YouTube Channel

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Google Disable’s YouTube Playlists


UPDATE: April 16th, 2021

Playlists on blogger are now working again...

Original Message from: Stewart Brennan

Last night, google disabled the YouTube playlist functionality outside of YouTube. Therefore, ALL playlists on World United Music and the World United News blogs no longer work. This latest attack by google / YouTube has destroyed years of my own labor in news and music archiving and also in artist support.

Their Reason?

As far as music is concerned, the goal of google is to turn their once social and video network into a money maker through advertising and forcing people to watch videos from their YouTube platform. Embedded video on blogs had been, advertisement interruption free...their solution was to disable all playlists outside of YouTube, including their own Google Blogspot.

If you’ve watched any video on YouTube recently, you'll have noticed a ten-fold increase in the number of ad interruptions on whatever you watch. Not to worry, they have a solution…YouTube is now offering add free music and video watching for a monthly fee, much the same way Spotify did. Therefore, if you don’t pay them, you’ll be subject to a swarm of advertisements that will interrupt the video you are watching, often several times.

Other Reasons?

There is also another reason for eliminating the playlist functionality outside of YouTube as this step goes hand in hand with their ongoing and continued censorship of alternative news in their attempt to put the genie back in the bottle sort of speak, for mainstream to regain total control of information.

The News playlists that I archived on World United News, are also now inactive; this is on top of YouTube's outright censorship and suspension of Press TV, Southfront, and all investigative journalists and journalism accounts that offer a different perspective than the mainstream propaganda news. These actions by Google / YouTube are on top of the already rigged search function that only turns up mainstream propaganda narratives, regardless of your search criteria. The only thing that works when looking for alternatives, are direct links to the video if they are not already removed by YouTube’s Orwellian censorship.

But wait, it gets much worse!

YouTube has also doubled down on their censorship by rigging their new video upload program to hold all video in a screen check to see if any of the content trips their content detectors before the video can be published…it’s not only copyright material they are looking for, but anything that doesn’t follow their mainstream narratives such as COVID, Geo-politics, Geo-economics, Iran, Ukraine, Syria, Palestine, Yemen, Libya, and much, much more…their banned content list is extensive…

Google has also notified their bloggers that Photos will also be deactivated in all archived posts on blogger in the coming months starting in June. So, before important historical evidence in photo and video completely disappears from the internet, you might want to download some of them for future reference...I would also suggest that if anyone uses blogger, to back up your information if you haven’t already, before they get rid of blogger altogether, as they did with google plus, and google video.

Google has also announced that they are going to get rid of email notifications to blog followers in July 2021, so when a post is made, those subscribed to the blog will no longer receive an email notification when something new is posted. Clearly, this is another step towards removing communication between people and a strike against alternative voices, Independent news, alternative views and information.

The war on you, our communities and free speech by corporate and banking interests continues its march towards their goal of a global totalitarianism…but I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that considering that we’ve all been locked down across the world for the past year…don’t you think it’s time to get active!?!

World United News